Meeting roles

In Prague Business Toastmasters, every meeting sticks to a pre-planned agenda, ensuring a well-organized and smooth flow. The agenda and role assignments are shared with registered members through Easy Speak, our user-friendly meeting system, making communication and leadership development simple for everyone involved. To provide a complete overview, the meeting agenda is printed by the Sergeant at Arms and placed at the beginning of the meeting on the table for each member and guest. This ensures that every participant has access to the full details of the meeting.

To learn more about the individual roles, please follow the links below.

Want to see it in action? Come join us!

Frequently asked question

Our meetings consist of several main parts. We begin with an introduction of the supportive roles that help us become better speakers (Timer, Grammarian, etc.). The second part comprises prepared speeches, delivered by our members who have scheduled them in advance as part of their pathway projects. Following that, we move on to the impromptu speeches section called "Table Topics," where you can participate as a guest. Finally, the last part of our meeting is the evaluation, where our wonderful evaluators provide feedback to everyone.

Every club member can sign up for any of the meeting roles. Guests can participate only in the Table Topics segment.

Our meetings are tracked in EasySpeak. Login to your account and sign up for a free role!

Sure, if you have any questions, you can reach out to the officers team and we will help you prepare for your meeting role.

Copyright © Prague Business Toastmasters Club, 22610073. Designed by Ivan_VIA.